Today I awoke wanting to clean the house, to be free from hidden unknowns, withered memories, and an aching heart. Every time I go up to the garret, that trunk reminds me: it's time to face the truth. Instead of getting rid of dead illusions, I have focused on other experiences.
The past has been released from me, and I wonder why I should give wings to what never flew and still more why I should blind myself with lights that don't shine for me. With hatred, I do not want to release them. I don't want to hear her cry.
It is my wish to release them with affection, to remind myself that this was not my destiny, and also to devote love to the memory of my dances before the chaos, my emotional confinement to the young imbalance, as well as his honey-colored eyes.
Eyes that reminded me: today I awoke wanting to clean the house.
Hoy amanecí con ganas de escombrar la casa, de liberarme de incógnitas guardadas, memorias marchitas y de un estrujado corazón. Cada que subo a la buhardilla, aquel baúl me reitera: es hora de confrontar. He preferido enfocarme en otras vivencias antes que deshacerme de fenecidas ilusiones.
Me cuestiono por qué he de vivir en pasados soltados, por qué tendría que darle alas a lo que jamás voló y más aún, por qué tendría que cegarme con luces que no brillan para mí. No quiero liberalas con odio, con el profundo dolor del rechazo. No quiero escucharla llorar.
Quiero soltarlas con cariño, recordarme que ello no era mi destino y darle amor al recuerdo de mis bailes previos al caos, a mi encierro emocional al desbalance juvenil y a sus ojos color miel.
Ojos que me recordaron: hoy amanecí con ganas de escombrar la casa.